Two Lee’s Summit, Mo. residents are facings criminal charges for drug possession after an arrest at on Feb. 2 at Argosy Casino in Riverside.
Kimberly A. Robbins, 50, and Brandon M. Diehl, 36, are facing felony allegations of possession of a controlled substance.
Diehl had a $25,000 cash only bond, while Robbins had a $10,000 cash only bond on a case filed on Feb. 2 in Platte County.
Brandon Diehl
According to court documents, Diehl, Robbins and Tanisha Wesley arrived at the casino in the early morning hours. Diehl, the driver of a white Cadillac CTS, used valet parking, which essentially became the downfall of the two.
Kimberly Robbins
A valet attendant overheard Diehl ask Robbins, the front seat passenger, if she locked the ‘stuff’ up, and later asked how much she smoked, according to the probable cause statement. The valet then called the Riverside Police Department, who arrived at 777 NW Argosy Casino Parkway at 5:13 a.m.
The department requested a police canine from the Clay County Sheriff’s Office to do an exterior sniff and that resulted in a positive hit. The car was then towed to the Riverside Police Department.
The trio in the car was approached on the gaming floor and Diehl was asked for permission to search the vehicle, but refused. Robbins was one of the registered owners of the vehicle and she also denied consent to search the vehicle, but also noted there would be no drugs in the vehicle.
She admitted meeting up with Diehl at a pool hall in Raytown, Mo. before picking up Wesley.
After RPD got a warrant to search the vehicle, inside the glovebox was a zippered case for sunglasses, 45 grams of methamphetamine, two small baggies containing one gram of methamphetamine, an unused syringe and four unused plastic baggies.
In a separate zippered pouch in the glove box, a digital scale, a glass pipe with narcotic residue and a small baggie containing 3 grams of methamphetamine.
Diehl refused to provide any statements after the arrest, while Wesley wasn’t charged in the incident.
Diehl has five previous felonies arrests related to drugs. Two came from Johnson County (Kan.) for felony sale of opiates in 2004 and 2005. In 2009, he had a possession of a controlled substance charge from Independence, Mo., and he had a felony distribution of controlled substance charge from Kansas City Police Department in 2010.
In 2012, he pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance in Jackson (Mo.) County.