A Platte City man faces two felony cases after a pair of incidents a year apart.
Dustin Pritchard
Dustin Pritchard, 31, is charged with stealing a Class D felony and possession of a controlled substance also a Class D offense.
According to court documents Pritchard was found with methamphetamine after a a traffic stop in February of 2017. According to the probable cause statement members of the MOWIN Drug Task Force were surveilling a suspected methamphetamine production property when Pritchard was seen to go inside and emerge a few minutes later.
Detectives then made a traffic stop and Pritchard consented to a search of the vehicle.
Court documents allege that a small pill bottle was found in the glovebox with a white crystalline substance consistent with methamphetamine inside.
The second case stems from a posting on the the Offerup app. The Platte County Prosecutor’s Office alleges a Parkville resident reported his 1995 Acura stolen. On February 28 the victim found what he believed to be his vehicle in a posting from a ‘Dustin’ in Platte City. He was able to match up the vehicle with the photos on the listing due to specific damage to the car.
Upon a police interview Pritchard said he was selling the car for a friend and he would make a commission from the sale.