The City of Parkville is looking for input from citizens about the future of Highway 9 through the city.
The “Redefine Route 9” campaign to take suggestions on reconstruction of the highway and downtown improvements will be open through Friday, Feb. 21. The portal for suggestions, ideas, and other input can be found at
The project is focused on improving vehicular, bicycling, and pedestrian connections throughout downtown Parkville from Fourth Street on the north, east along Highway 9 to the Park University entrance, west along West Mill Street to Northwest Crooked Road, and south to the railroad tracks.
The purpose of this project is to explore opportunities, evaluate alternatives, and recommend an improvement plan for enhancing connectivity of the street network, pedestrian sidewalks, and bicycling facilities in the study area.
The project is currently in its concept design phase, and the city is seeking the community’s help in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improving connectivity and mobility within the study area.